Swallows Oast

Full livery yard based near Hastings and Battle in the beautiful East Sussex countryside.

Full livery yard based near Hastings and Battle in the beautiful East Sussex countryside. Individual and group turnout.

Full livery yard based near Hastings and Battle in the beautiful East Sussex countryside.

Full livery yard based near Hastings and Battle in the beautiful East Sussex countryside.
Full livery yard based in Whatlington - near to Hastings and Battle - East Sussex.
We understand that your horse means the world to you. At Swallows Oast Stables we offer a full livery service that you can rely on all year come snow, rain or shine.
We have an organized daily routine in place which makes every horse feel very settled and at home. The yard has been designed so that every horse can always see a friend, be it in the paddock or in their stable. Our atmosphere for both horse and rider is very important so that our clients and their horses are relaxed and happy.
Your horse can enjoy the luxury of acres of space, individual turnout, off-road forestry commission hacking and individual care. Other facilities include:
45 acres of paddocked fencing with individual or pairs turnout;
Direct access to Forestry Commission off-road woodland hacking;
Large american barn stables that include rubber matting and an automatic drinker;
20x60 floodlit school that rides superbly all year; by Mark Scott Arenas - MSA Fibre Mix
All weather woodchip surfaced gallop - perfect for when you are short of time or to cool down after a schooling session;
Use of our barn kitchen for tea /coffee and socialising;
Staff living on site.
For more information please get in touch by calling us on 07951 746911 or you can email us here.